Emmanuelle De Decker


Emmanuelle de Decker a.k.a Emma, founded Gatecrash in 2012 with the aim to develop cultural exchanges between Europe & India through music. She has been a part of the music industry for over 20 years and worked at music festivals, artist booking agencies and cultural institutions across Paris, Tangier, Dublin, Seoul, Kolkata & Mumbai.

Through her work in the music industry Emma’s expertise range across multiple domains, namely music curating for festivals, venues and events, organising concerts, tours and artist residencies and developing opportunities for networking and collaborations between music professionals. She has also been involved in various social projects and started the NGO "Music Mulakatein" to support social change through music.



Emma has developed a range of workshops and talks which she delivers regularly across the world on topics such as:

  • #ishapemyworld - Women in Music, moderator for Levi's Music Week conference, Mumbai - Oct 16 2019
  • Epic? Massive/Not to be Missed? Is This Real? at EARS Europe-Asia Roundtable Sessions, Mumbai - Nov 17 2018
  • Jazz - Gaining New Ground at EARS Europe-Asia Roundtable Sessions, Mumbai - Dec 07 2017
  • Social and Economic Rights of Independent Musicians in India, Congrès GIS - Réseau Asie & Pacifique at Sciences Po, Paris - June 26 2017
  • The Sweet Spot- Boutique Festivals, panel discussion at THE EXCHANGE, Mumbai - March 28 2017
  • Export, how it works, new markets and upcoming perspectives, panel discussion at VISA FOR MUSIC, Rabat - Nov 19 2016
  • L'Inde, scène musicale émergente / Touring in India, one day training at ATLA Music School and CIFAP, since 2016
  • Introduction to the music scene in India, conference at WOMEX, Budapest - Oct 22 2015
  • The growing "independent" music scene in India, conference at MaMA Festival, Paris - Oct 16 2015
  • Music Managers Forum Discussion, workshop at MOSHITO Music Conference, Johannesburg - Sept 11 2015
  • Music Management, two-days workshop for LIVESQUARE, Dhaka, Bangladesh - Sept 4-5 2015
  • Le soft power indien à l’heure de la mondialisation, conference organized by Dauphine University, Paris - June 23 2015
  • Artists developers, conference at IOMMA (Indian Ocean Music Market), Reunion Island - May 2015



Emma & Gatecrash have been regularly featured in the media:

  1. Gatecrash : La promotion du jazz en Inde mais pas que…, Le Petit Journal, 20.08.2020
  2. Spotlight: Emmanuelle de Decker (Gatecrash / Music Mulakatein Foundation), WildCity, 18.03.2020
  3. Art & Inclusivity: Talking to Emmanuelle de Decker of Music Mulakatein and Gatecrash, FEMWAV, 08.01.2020
  4. Interview on Rukus Avenue Radio, Shantanu Pujari Fusion / Shakahari Show, June 2019
  5. When a world of good comes out of music, Mid-Day Mumbai, 07.05.2019
  6. Gatecrash-ing the Music Scene in India!, Alliance française Magazine in India, 14.04.2019
  7. 68 expats tell us the story of how they made India their home (No 8), Vogue India, 04.04.2018
  8. Get ready to watch a rocking performance by kids from Dharavi, Mid-Day, 02.02.2017
  9. Portrait Emmanuelle de Decker, Humans of Music, 17.01.2017
  10. The Jazz Evangelist!, oHeraldo, 10.12.2016
  11. « Musicalement, l’Inde bouge très vite », Blog de la SACEM, 26.08.2016
  12. In conversation: Emmanuelle de Decker, Artistic Director, Nariyal Paani, Everything Experiential, 27.06.2016
  13. Jazz gets a French twist in Mumbai, radioandmusic.com, 22.06.2016
  14. Coeur de Jazz, Indes, March-April 2016
  15. Swing à Bollywood, L’Express Reussir, Jan-Feb 2015
  16. Emmanuelle de Decker, manager d’artistes en Inde, La Croix, 25.10.2013
  17. 10 French people shaping Mumbai, CNN Travel, 04.03.2011